The Golden Circle 2.0

The Golden Circle 2.0

Company’s vision should be a guide for the leader.

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Are you familiar with the Golden Circle by Simon Sinek?

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

Most people communicate by starting with the “what” and then about “how” and “why” they do what they do.

I agree with Simon and his concept that we should start communicating from the “why”, then the “how” and eventually the “what”.

When I talk about this concept with other marketers or entrepreneurs I see they are often confused by the words Simon used to express this concept.

The “why” is not “why you should buy that product” is why the person or company does what it does.

The “how” is not about the processes, is the Marketing Distinguo of that company or product. The “what” is the product or service, and this is the only part everyone understands.

To make the Golden Circle concept clear to anyone, I have modified it with a corporate perspective.

The “why” becomes the Vision: the aspirational description of why the company does what it does and a clear guide for the leader.

The “how” becomes the Marketing Distinguo: the concrete characteristics making the company unique against the competition.

The “what” becomes the brand, product/service you want to communicate.

Why should I buy your product? Here the analogue tool to help entrepreneurs, managers, consultants and freelancers to answer that question!

differentiation in marketing, my new podcast! listen on itunes.

Defined by Going Global UK: "LEADING EXPERT IN INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGIES". Among the 5 major Italian marketing influencers according to Digitalic. Coordinator of the Networking Club of Philip Kotler at the Italian Marketing Foundation. The only Italian who accomplished the MIT Digital Business Strategy Executive Program about Digital Transformation (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Co-founder of Weevo, co-publisher of Il Giornale delle PMI, author of "Strategie web per i mercati esteri", Hoepli 2016 (Digital Strategies for International Markets).

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